Launching Your Own Online Open Mic: A Comprehensive Guide

Comics of all stripes, this one’s for you! Whether you’re passionate about networking with fellow comedians, are searching for a more satisfying open mic experience, or have been genuinely disappointed by current offerings, setting up your own online open mic could be the solution you’re seeking.

The most enticing aspect? You’ll secure a guaranteed stage slot every week, allowing you to hone your craft. Starting your own open mic is a brilliant move for any serious comic.

Here’s a simple step-by-step guide to get you started:

  1. Design Your Mic – Choose a catchy name for your open mic, keeping it creative and aligned with your vision. Perhaps you want to feature horse-themed material; consider ‘The Galloping Giggle Open Mic.’ Or, simply name it after yourself – it’s your mic, after all. Next, decide on a schedule. Aim for a less occupied time slot, such as Thursdays at noon or late-night slots. Whatever you choose, make sure it’s a time you can commit to each week.
  2. Select Your Streaming Platform -Various platforms allow video gatherings – Facebook, Instagram, and more. Although each one comes with its learning curve, a basic understanding of technology should see you through. Here are some popular platforms:
    • Google Meet: Offers a free service for up to 100 attendees for an hour. All you need is a Gmail account.
    • Zoom: A household name for virtual meetings.
    • A completely free and open-source platform with various exciting features worth exploring.
  3. Establish a Sign-Up Process – Create an online sign-up sheet just like in physical open mics. Here are some easy-to-set-up options:
  4. Set Up a Home Page – Create a home page where people can find all necessary details about your open mic – timing, sign-up process, rules, performance duration, and contact information. It’s a good idea to set up a dedicated email address for queries related to the mic. Facebook is a popular platform to create such a page.
  5. Promote Your Mic – After setting up your mic, submit it to online directories like Mr. Open Mic’s Online Comedy Open Mic Directory. Then, begin the real work – promotion. Leverage social media, share with your email contacts, and consider telling everyone you know about it. Consistent promotion is the key!


Final Considerations

Naturally, there are other factors to think about. Should you charge a fee or accept donations? Would it be beneficial to record each show? How do you handle performers who exceed their allotted time? Don’t let these decisions deter you – you can adjust your rules as you go.

Remember, running an online comedy open mic requires work, but when done correctly, it can offer rewards beyond your imagination. Best of luck, and may the stage be yours!